IRB y Olimpiadas

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Registrado: Sab, 07 Ene 2012, 00:57

IRB y Olimpiadas

Mensaje por JULIAN »

La IRB quiere asegurarse la entrada de dinero proveniente de los Juegos Olímpicos.

IRB wants star names at Olympics.

Rugby's big-name attractions must feature at the 2016 Rio Olympics if the sport is to maximise its opportunity on the world stage, according to IRB chief Brett Gosper.

The board under Gosper is encouraging international unions to work through red-tape issues and ensure stars who want to play are allowed to do so. He said while the value of out-and-out Sevens players must be respected, rugby's chances of becoming a permanent Olympic sport may rely on an injection of star power.

"In 2017, straight after Rio, they'll decide if rugby continues to be a core sport at the Olympics," Gosper, son of former International Olympic Committee vice-president Kevan said. "We will be in Japan [2020] as well but that may be it.

"We've got to work very hard to ensure we'll be successful at Rio ... because a lot of money comes into rugby because of the Olympics. It really is a differentiator. A powerful draw for youth, spectators and players to be part of an Olympic adventure.

"The profile of the players in XVs is obviously something which has a lot of impact. We think it's important and the Olympics would like us to have them there.

"We would hope the unions would make it easy for those top players who want to be part of the Olympics. It's good for their country, good for the sport and good for the Olympics."

Gosper said he'd personally love to see players such as Wallabies fullback Israel Folau and England powerhouse Manu Tuilagi feature at the Games.
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Re: IRB y Olimpiadas

Mensaje por Gallegoycule »

Sudáfrica ya ha dicho que Bryan Habana y Schalk Brits disputarán el sevens en los Juegos de la Commonwealth que se disputarán en Glasgow este verano. Los propios escoceses se llevan a Sean Lamont. Solo son dos ejemplos. En los JJOO el número de estrellas del XV jugando al VII no será menor, está claro.
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Mensajes: 5538
Registrado: Sab, 07 Ene 2012, 00:57

Re: IRB y Olimpiadas

Mensaje por JULIAN »

Con estrellas del XV o sin ellas lo que es evidente es la capacidad de las olimpiadas para generar dinero, y por ende lo que puede ayudar al desarrollo del rugby a todos los niveles.

De echo es casi el único sostén de varios deportes muy minoritarios, y aquí si se sabe reconducir nuestra principal baza para empezar a darnos a conocer de verdad.
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