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Seven Las Vegas

Publicado: Jue, 09 Feb 2012, 18:25
por racing
  No me suena haberlo visto en otro post, pero os dejo los equipos con los que se va a enfrentar España en este torneo :

  Dog River Howlers
  Chicago Lions
  Philippine Pacific
  Alaska Golden Bears
  Denver Barbarians
  Tiger Rugby
    Force XV Froggies
    Social Vibe Pups
    The Columbia Rugby Club
    Rumania,  Chile  , Peru  y Guayana 

  aparte de los nombres y que todo partido suma espero que encuentren rivales de auténtico nivel, porque entiendo que lo que se busca es rivales para preparar Hong Kong y no se si estos son los adecuados. Ojala que Tiki y los muchachos saquen gran partido a este largo viaje.
Animo España

Re: Seven Las Vegas

Publicado: Jue, 09 Feb 2012, 22:33
por losa
el force xv froggies es el tercer equipo de la seleccion de francia de 7

Re: Seven Las Vegas

Publicado: Vie, 10 Feb 2012, 10:32
por racing
  Como en la web de la organización no pone nada y en la FEr todavía no ponen el resultado del segundo partido , a través de la web de la Federación peruana he visto :
España 40 - Perú 0. Por cierto que Perú ganó en el primer partido a Bermuda. Esperemos que en la segunda fase los partidos sean mas competitivos. Aupa España!!!

Re: Seven Las Vegas

Publicado: Sab, 11 Feb 2012, 04:06
por Javi
Creo que España acaba de perder contra Belmont Shore, equipo de Los Angeles que habitualmente cuenta con jugadores internacionales por Estados Unidos. Como curiosidad, el equipo Tiger también cuenta con internacionales y ex-internacionales, entre ellos Andre Snyman, mítico centro de Sudáfrica. Parece que el nivel no es tan flojo como alguno penssaba.

Re: Seven Las Vegas

Publicado: Sab, 11 Feb 2012, 12:57
por kedzie
España ganó ayer a los Chicago Lions 31-5

Re: Seven Las Vegas

Publicado: Sab, 11 Feb 2012, 18:44
por losa
donde se puede ver la clasificacion y resultados de españa de este seven?

Re: Seven Las Vegas

Publicado: Sab, 11 Feb 2012, 19:59
por BOB13
En el equipo que ha eliminado a España de la Cup "Tiger" hay 9 internacionales (o ex) por EEUU: Justin Boyd, Peter Dahl, Tai Enosa, Riaan Hamilton, Duncan Kelm, Ata Malifa, Nese Malifa, Peter Sio y Dallen Stanford, sea el equipo B de los EEUU, utilizan tiger para participar a torneos int. pero es el equipo de Belmont Shore, campeón de EEUU 7s en 2009, 10 y 11. España les gano en Kenia.

Por cierto los Froggies no son Francia 3, es uno de los 4 equipos invitational al igual que Pyrénées Sevens, Sud ouest ovalie sevens o bleus sevens en francia. Para este torneo, han ido jugadores de Federal 1 y 2, y con tourtoulou (ex España)

Para mi, la final de la Cup sera entre Tiger y Pups (habitual de las series UK), Froggies podria dar la sorpresa....

Adjunto resultados

2012 USA 7s LVI Men's Elite 7s Scores

Cup 1/2 Finals
Tiger Rugby-Froggies

Plate Final

Cup Quarterfinals
Tiger Rugby 14-12 Spain
Froggies 26-14 Howlers
Pups 36-7 Romania
Chile 24-0 Bermuda

Bowl Quarterfinals
Peru 26-14 Alaska
Denver 14-5 Mexico
Guyana 17-12 Columbus
Philippines Pacific 38-0 Bermuda

Friday Pool Play
Chile 47-5 Phil. Pacific
Tiger Rugby 45-5 Alaska
Guyana 19-14 Mexico
Social Pups 35-0 Force XV Froggies
Spain 45-0 Bermuda
Peru 38-0 Lions
Howlers 19-10 Romania

Pool Play
Chile 21-21 Tiger Rugby (Long Beach, Calif.)
Philippine 31-5 Alaska
Force XV Froggies 19-12 Guyana
Social Vibe Pups 31-0 Mexico
Spain 31-5 Chicago Lions
Peru 31-13 Bermuda
Romania 14-14 Denver Barbarians
Dog River 17-12 Columbus
Chile 24-12 Alaska Golden Bears
Tiger Rugby 20-12 Philippine Pacific

Re: Seven Las Vegas

Publicado: Sab, 11 Feb 2012, 20:18
por gabatxo
BOB13 escribió: Por cierto los Froggies no son Francia 3, es uno de los 4 equipos invitational al igual que Pyrénées Sevens, Sud ouest ovalie sevens o bleus sevens en francia. Para este torneo, han ido jugadores de Federal 1 y 2, y con tourtoulou (ex España)
Julien Tourloutou (US.S. Colomiers) ha fichado en julio por el Quillan (Fédérale 3)

http://www.ladepeche.fr/article/2011/07 ... l-usq.html

Re: Seven Las Vegas

Publicado: Sab, 11 Feb 2012, 20:47
por Javi
Crónica yanki del Tigers (Belmont Shore) - España.

American 'Rejects' Out to Prove a Point

The best performance by an American men’s team so far in Las Vegas? Tiger Rugby beating Spain 14-12 in the quarterfinal round of the Men’s Elite 7s tournament.

The Eagles went 0-2 on Friday. Tiger Rugby beat Spain, who has done very well in European competition lately. Tiger Rugby’s roster includes nine players with 7s Eagle experience, many of whom have been passed over in recent selections – Justin Boyd, Peter Dahl, Tai Enosa, Riaan Hamilton, Duncan Kelm, Ata Malifa, Nese Malifa, Peter Sio and Dallen Stanford.

“We’ve got a bunch of guys on my team that I think should be playing in the stadium,” said Tiger coach James Walker. “I know (USA coach Al Caravelli) might argue with me on that one, but the results speak volumes.”

Many of those Tiger players are out to prove they can still play on the international level.

“It’s good, especially of a group of guys that just got rejected and now we’re trying to rebuild,” said Sio of the Spain win. “For a group of guys that never train together, we just play and try to beat them. They beat the US team every time, and they beat us in Kenya, so it was kind of like revenge.”

Tiger lost handily to Spain at Safaricom 7s in Kenya late last year, but the experience gave the team confidence.

“They beat us pretty bad on the scoreboard, but we thought it was a lot closer, the actual game itself,” said Walker. “And we really felt like we could get a crack at them.”

Tiger played a lot of defense early, but turned Spain over on its side of the field. Spain committed a penalty, and Nese Malifa cleared the ball into touch. Tiger ran a fixed play on the set piece, and Howden sliced through the Spanish defense for a try.

“It’s an option play, and he ran it to perfection,” said Walker of Howden. “He’s kind of got a funny build. He’s a big, solid boy, and I think people underestimate his speed and his step, and I think the Spanish got caught napping there.”

Spain rebutted with a chip kick and recover that set up their first score. 7-7 at halftime.

Spain opened the second half scoring with its second try, but failed to convert.

Tiger got the ball near midfield with little time on the clock. Dahl, who came on as a reserve, charged through multiple would be tacklers and recycled the ball. It was spun to Enosa, who took it into contact and lost it backward onto the ground.

Boyd, also on as a reserve, scooped up the ball, made one move and ran past the Spanish defense. Nese drilled the easy conversion to give Tiger its winning margin.

With the game-ending whistle and a Spanish loss eminent, one of Spain’s props egregiously ran over Malifa off of the ball with no wrap.

Tiger Rugby's campaign to turn heads and prove its point continues tomorrow. If the veritable American B-side beats the French Force XV Froggies in the morning, it'll play inside Sam Boyd Stadium in front of over 20,000 fans.